Changing hair color....wanting to go lighter.... forums

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Jun 22, 2006
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well ive pretty much had every color hair you can think naturally a brunette with red tones...ive gone from my entire head being red to light brown to black (which will never happen again!) to even having pink highlights...the only color ive never done was blonde....and im not gonna lie im a lil afraid to bc of how it might turn out....

well id like to lighten my hair as much as possible going blonde but if not kinda like a dirty blonde...if that makes sense...but im not sure how to go about it and what products to use...i have a friend who has her hair license and stuff but i told her i would get the products from like sallys beauty or something if shed do it...i just have to find the right combo of colors and stuff...

can someone please please please help me out...give me a lil insight...or tips tricks anything! lol here is a pic of me now: i tried to pick a few pictures that you can see my hair good in....i hope these help...and if you could post a pic of what color you think would be good...that would be great!


sorry about beings such a pain in the

The color of your highlights in the second pic look nice... I would lighten the brows up a bit if you're going to go light. I would also bring your friend with you, and maybe she can help you pick out a toner that will give you the right color to go with the base you have now. She'll probably have to lighten the entire head and then apply color.

From what the roots look like, I don't think you'll have any trouble going blonde. Just make sure to keep it up because it will look tacky if you've got a full inch of undergrowth.

I've dyed a couple of my friends' heads blonde before. One of them had hair texture like yours, and was a darker natural brown. We simply used the Clairol Blondissimo line, or whatever that's called, and it lightened her hair ALOT. Then, because she had a little bit of the orange hue going on, we used the Clairol Klaleidacolors Blue Toner with 10 Vol. developer and it settled her color to a nice "Champagne". It was gorgeous... all this for only $15 !!!

My other friend had very coarse, very black, Asian hair. We used Clairol Whitening powder mixed with 40 Vol. developer... twice. We started on a Friday night. Rinsed out and conditioned alot. Then we reconvened on Saturday night, did the powder + developer. Since her hair was a vivid shade of yellow, we used the Violet Kaleidacolors Toner with 10 Vol. developer, and... PRESTO, a platinum blonde.

Even though I've done it on other people, I would never do it on myself. In a two or three step process like this, always get at least one friend that knows what he or she is doing. You will need the extra hands and eyes to reach in certain places (for the "no zebra stripped look, LOL!) You can cheaply buy all the products at a drug store or at Sally's, but it is not worth it to DIY if nobody in the group knows what order to do those things in.

Good luck with your blondation!
