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Jul 10, 2012
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Long time visitor but first time poster (i know, i feel bad, sorry!)! I've always found everything on here helpful for tips but i'm in such a dilemma i need some help / advice. I'll try to keep it brief!

Okay, so a few months ago i had the most awful breakout on my forehead. I've never had a breakout here before - my skin is very sensitive but my forehead has never been a problem area. I can pinpoint it to a series of stressful events though (university, work, personal etc), which may explain it. The complexion and texture of the middle of my forehead slowly became congested but not before i saw big red angry spots, lots of inflammation and irritation as well as some blackheads and tiny whiteheads. It also became quite oily. I went to my GP and he prescribed Dalacin T lotion (a clindamycin antibiotic), but after nearly 5 weeks of use and seeing almost no improvement and only more oil i stopped using it.

After some reading around i started to use manuka honey as a cleanser, along with Paula's Choice BHA (1% lotion) and also one of her moisturizers (i'm still trying to find the right one).  After maybe 4 weeks i have no inflamed spots in the traditional sense, maybe one or two dormant blackheads..., which is great. BUT (there's always a but). My main problem now seems to be almost congested skin texture..., if that makes sense. And red marks. When i wash my forehead it feels soft and smooth, as it does if i run the back of my palm over it, but if look up close there appears to be an almost 'filmy' texture to it with a little oil. There are also some tiny white dots sporadically around (only prominent in certain light) and the pigmentation from the earlier inflamed spots is taking forever to heal (i get the odd blemish on my jaw which goes away in a few days!). Further, sometimes when when i pull my forehead back the centre area seems to have dry patches almost under the skin. What is perhaps most prominent in that i can also see tiny little shiny dashes/lines (some look like wrinkles! I'm 23!). This is especially noticeable when i frown or push my eyebrows forward - some look like tiny superficial creases. My forehead is also very sensitive, if my hair drapes down for example, and there are some small red marks / bumps that have been around for nearly two months and i have a feeling they may be related to my eczema, or merely related to the fact i have ridiculously sensitive skin.

I'm very frustrated with this to be point of being pretty down some days because i had hoped all this would rectify itself with a little help, when it really feels like i've hit a skin care wall! Does anyone have any suggestions? Does anyone recognize what i'm talking about (especially those little 'shiny' dashes/creases)? Am i doing too much? Before this happened i pretty much only used water and the odd bit of cleanser on my forehead. I wanted this summer to be my carefree summer but so far i've my skin has consumed me. I should probably say i have no problems elsewhere on my face. Cheeks, nose, chin etc are 'normal', and have not been affected by whatever happened to my forehead. 

Apologies for the length and thank you in advance!

 - Lindsay

 Hi lindsay88

 The problem you have mentioned may be due to the products you are using or due to some change in diet ans have you changed the residence etc. Fisrt i would like you to suggest to consult a doctor or skin specialist.If the problem is due to the product you are using just change them right away. Use some natural skincare products like  Skin brightener  by revitoldirect  as i am using the same for a long time and now i am confined to this brand only.

Originally Posted by umeshsharma723 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

 Hi lindsay88

 The problem you have mentioned may be due to the products you are using or due to some change in diet ans have you changed the residence etc. Fisrt i would like you to suggest to consult a doctor or skin specialist.If the problem is due to the product you are using just change them right away. Use some natural skincare products like  Skin brightener  by revitoldirect  as i am using the same for a long time and now i am confined to this brand only.
I agree.

Its time to see a dermatologist.  The GP with good intentions may have prescribed you something that you were allergic too.  Only a derm can determine what to do next.  Sounds like residual stuff from the medication and breakouts and will take time to heal but in the meantime a derm will be able to pin point the issue and help you solve it.

A word tho, a year ago a saw a total of four different derms, two of them more than once, until I found the one doctor that I loved the most and had the best consultation for my skin.  And even still, its a work in progress.  I have olive complexion and went thru severe adult acne... from out of nowhere.

So take your time and research your options well.  Its well worth the effort for flawless skin.

Thank you for the replies! I know it's not (or at least can be 99% sure) it is not linked to diet or residence. I've always maintained a very good diet (fresh fruit/veg, fish, chicken, no processed food or sugars etc, i also take fermented cod liver oil), and i live in a very water and air clean area. I hadn't thought that the products i'm currently using could be affecting the problem - in as far as manuka honey is very gentle, and the moisturiser i'm using has fantastic ingredients (PC's moisture boost) but i will hunt around and try something else. I think i have a bottle of cetaphil somewhere. One thing that was perhaps aggravating my sensitive skin was the BHA (even at 1%). It obviously helped with the initial problem but i've currently stopped using it and will maybe gradually work it back in, once or twice a week in specific problem areas. 

I'm not entirely sure how to go about seeing a derm. I live in a small town in the UK and have only gone to my doctor through the NHS. As far as i'm aware there are no private derms in my area so unless i travel to a bigger city it would have to be via referral from my doctor - i suppose i should go there first. I just worry that he won't deem it serious enough for a referral. I had not thought about it being a reaction to the medication i was given (what a horrible irony!). Thinking about it, i don't remember the problem of the filmy texture or skin dashes before i started using it... of course the more extreme inflammation may have been masking that but a bad reaction to it is definitely possible. 

I don't mind things taking time to heal - it's the 'unknown' aspect that is truly frustrating. 


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