This happened to me. I was on a bc w/ a high level of estrogen several years ago, and my jawline and chin were just erupting with new acne!My doctor kept telling me this hapened to "many patients"and soon my skin would be clear, radiant, blah, blah, just give it another 2 months, but I finally couldn't stand it anymore and switched off it. Fairly recently,I went on to a new bc, lower in estrogen, that has cleared my skin up without destroying my face first...but I've heard that, on average, most women tend to need to try 2 types of bc pills before they find the one that works the best at clearing up their skin.And that one really is supposedly out there for nearly everybody!If you are truly bothered by your skin now, and feeling to anxious for the "wait and see" approach, you might want to discuss trying another bc sooner rather than later, one that might be more ideal for yur skin.(Although, like the posters say, it's true even the "right" ones for you can make you break out briefly before they work. I think 2 months though is too long to have to wait,though,w/ so many types out there to try.)