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Guys here are persistent. Drunk or not, they just are. I´m engaged, but the line "I´m engaged" or flashing my ring only works in 20% of the cases. I know, right? I´ve gotten lines like

Well, engaged... but you´re not MARRIED yet! *insert dirty grin*

Ok, but is your fiancé HERE right now? *insert dirty grin again*

What´s your man gotta do with ME? *yada yada*

So that has lead me to be extremely annoyed that they don´t respect the fact that I am committed to someone. Even if they respect it I am annoyed as soon as the approach me.

And I´m surprised the lesbian line has worked for some of your girls. I used it like twice but that made them even more interested. All my single girlfriends have the same problem, you can barely get rid of them, unless you have the "luck" to be hit on by one of the few gentlemen.

I´m really starting to think guys here are are like cavemen
