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Apr 24, 2011
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Alright so I thought this was the most appropriate place to post this-- but, I was wondering if anybody else here is supperrrr hairy and I wanted to know how they control it. For instance, I have super hairy legs and literally I can shave and within a few hours I already have pricklies coming through.. for anybody who has the same problem, do you shave or wax (yourself,professionally) or would you recommend any products to me that would be helpful. Also-- as gross as it may seem, I also have a facial hair problem, its not extreme but enough to bother me, regardless if anybody else can even see it or not (mustache hairs, a fewww on my chin, and beastly eyebrows). Any suggestions? Ive even considered getting laser hair removal if I ever get enough money, ha.

I just ordered a waxing kit and hair removal creme and shower stuff from Avon, not sure how well they will work but I guess I'll find out lol

I have the same problem with my legs and underarms when shaving, but using Nair helps me a bunch! As for the face, I usually get my eye brows threaded instead of a shave or wax, the threading lasts longer and doesn't leave the red aftermath lol. It should work for the hairs under your chin as well. Everytime I go they always ask about my "mustache" lol but I won't let them touch it because its not even noticable. Just a little fuzz. But I have enough to worry about, I don't need something else added to the list haha. 

But try Nair, if you havn't already and look for a place that does eye brow threading for your face.

Eyebrow threading is good, or you can try shaping your brows yourself. I don't like Nair personally, but i have a sensitive skin so maybe that's why i didn't agree with it. For the "mustache" you can try hydrogen peroxide, or wax, i use cold oriental wax. Being hairy can be due to genetics, but because i've had this problem i also want to mention hormones also play a role in this, if they're not balanced correctly.

I have this problem on my underarms, the rest of my body is almost hairless o_O .  Anyways I would suggest trying an epilator.

"An epilator is an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and pulling them out. The way in which epilators pull out hair is similar to waxing, although unlike waxing, they do not remove cells from the epithelium of the epidermis. Aside from the spring in early spring-type epilators, there are no parts in epilators that require regular replacement. Epilators come in corded, rechargeable and battery operated designs. "

Your hair won't grow back as fast and may even stop all together.

My dermatologists office does laser hair removal(not IPL but LightSheer) and they did my underarms(among other things).  I saved a lot by waiting for them to a deal on a package.  Mine has specials occasionally and you can get the same quality for less.  The results are permanent too.  Keep in mind that you do have to go in for the occasional touch up, but I do a touch up appointment for everything once a year or so[face, pits, downstairs].

The effectiveness of laser hair removal is entirely based upon how big a contrast there is between the hair and your skin (ideal is dark hair, light skin; not ideal is light hair, dark skin), how talented your technician is, how much you are able to have the machine dialed up to, and what type laser.  LightSheer is fantastic for my pale white self with dark brown hair.  For african, asian, latino, and other skin tones where the skin is much more pigmented, there are other laser types and your dermatologist can talk to you about options so that you get the maximum effectiveness with the minimum amount of pain (and hopefully no discoloration or lasting skin problems).

Thanks a lot for the responses! My brother tried nair on his chest once (idk why..) and he said it burned real bad and made his chest super red lol but i might give it a try.. I'm going to look into the other options you gave me as well! Its just so annoying for me because if I wanted to keep my legs hairless I would literally have to shave every other day... but if I do that it tends to cut my legs up and get really itchy so its weird but whatever lol

i've nevr been a nair fan, although i haven't tried it in about 10 years,  Back then it smelled so bad I couldn't take it
