Bobby Pins.. forums

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Jul 10, 2008
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Every year I probably purchase over 200 bobby pins... why do I always lose them??!! Does anyone else have this problem? If not how do you keep them from getting lost...

I used to be like that, but now I sit them in my hair section (in my dresser drawer) in a little container I got from target for like 69 cents. I believe its suppoed to be a travel soap dish, lol, but it works great!!

I always lose my. I have a bad habit of taking them out if I lay down for a nap, and with a 3 year old who has to touch everything I own...

I always wondered where mine disappeared to until me and my hubby were cleaning up one day and he said "I really hate these pin thingys, I don't know what they're for but i've been throwing them away."

Solved that mystery lol. Now I keep them in a paper clip holder.

HAHA, nanz! that's hilarious!

I used to lose mine, now I try to collect them up and put them in one place. But yes, I lose them ALL THE FREAKING TIME. I have no idea why they are so easy to lose

i buy my bobby pins in bulk so they come in a nice little box (not the card thingy that they come in when you buy like 60 at a time) so when i take them out i put them right back into the box

I always plan on keeping mine in a little container, but it never works out that way. I still take them out everywhere, and eventually have to buy more.

I remember ramming one into my hand as a child and having to get a shot at the doctors afterwards so I'm really paranoid about making sure they find their way back into the medicine cabinet.

I find mine everywhere. On my bed, in my car, on my desk, in the vaccuum, in my makeup table. I'm trying to keep them all in one place but it's not working either. The thing I lose is my hair ties!! In our old apartment my husband found like 7 of them and I kept the place SPOTLESS I have no idea how I lost those.

I LOVE BOBBY PINS! I have a bad habit of taking them out and leaving them everywhere. I have a tin on my vanity that I put them in (and the hubs does too when he locates a bunch laying around). I also have a change/coin purse in my purse that I keep them in too. They are just one of those items that always goes missing... I buy a lot yearly as well!

I just keep mine on the card thing you buy them on, when I take them out of my hair I put them right back onto that thing.

I also have a few on the top of my dresser lol.

And some clipped onto the pockets inside my purse.

I rarely lose mine, strange!

Even if Im out and about and I take them off my hair, if I dont clip them in my purse to put away later, I clip them on my jeans pockets or the bottom of my shirt, and then put them away when I get home lol.

I'm like that with hair elastics..I constantly lose those! I'm pretty good with bobby pins, I have a little container I keep them in, though it's very easy to misplace find them in odd places sometimes.

hehe... I guess I'm just like everyone else.. I just take it out and leave it and forget where I put them.. I'm on to my very last one at the moment, so I've been keep a good eye on far I've had it for a week.. need to stock up again !!

I lose mine constantly! Thank god they are so cheap otherwise I'd be boke by now!

I have this problem too...b/c I'll forget to take them out before I wash my hair...they'll end up on the ledge in the tub...then I'll just get a new one instead of going back to the tub to get that one...and the process repeats!!!

awh forever losing them or throwing them out coz the cushion part fell off...r wen i do a friends hair i never bother t get m back...its a pain... i lose them in bed even.... lol

I los ALL hair things: bobby pins -they either slip out of my hair unnoticed or I forget they are in my hair and comb it and the pins goes flying across the room landing who knows where:

Hair ties- they definitely slip out. I will be walking along and all the sudden feel my hair on my back and I remember my hair was UP, when did it slip down??:

Hair Sticks- they start to slip out and I will catch them and put them down so I don't lose them and forget where I put them or I take them out if they start stabbing my head while I'm driving, then forget I left them in the car and then they end up on the floor of the car and get stepped on.

Claw clips- they just break. My hair is terribly thick and they are fine for a while and then *snap* the clip goes flying and the little teeth thingies get stuck in my hair, lol!!

