Blonde color turning greenish.. why? forums

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Oct 11, 2005
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Hello.... I was reading another post on this forum where NYAngel mentioned that Ash tones in blonde can turn hair a little greenish.. I would like to add that this is has happened to me and I never knew why.. Should I avoid ash tones or is there something that can be done to avoid it getting green tones?

Perhaps it could be your water-(you could buy a water filter for your shower) your hair colour plus your water could be causing oxidation. You could also try using a swimmer's shampoo(may counteract some of the green)

I would probably stay away from ash tones(maybe go to a salon) or ask Janelle(she will probably be around sometime) because they may cause your hair at this point to go greener.

Two reasons that I'm aware of- the first being that as all hair dyes are essentially a combination of red, blue and yellow pigment molecules, and as blonde colours don't contain much red, and some blue is needed in ashy colours to ensure that they don't turn out, well, yellow, the blue and yellow combination can give the hair a greenish sheen.

The second reason is chlorine in water, which can dye porous blonde hair green. As peekaboo said, swimmers shampoos or water filters can reverse this. I've also heard that doing a ketchup hair mask will neutralise green hair, but have never tried it, so who knows?

My hair use to have a slight green tinge, only noticable in photos (on flash). I don't know what caused it to look like that. :eusa_wall:

my problem was primarily well water and even though I now have public water I can only use blonde hair color that has a yellow/gold base or my hair turns grayish green. I buy Clairol professional color so I know what the base is.

There are shampoos made for well water deposits available at Sally's and Nexus (I think) makes Aloe Rid to get rid of hard water deposits.
