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Jun 8, 2008
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I'm going to cut my hair a little past my chin. and when I have short hair, I want to put red streaks in there.

I wanted to ask, what product is good to use to bleach the strands I want to be red?

Anything really since you're going red. Typically I recommend something like quick blue cause people wanna avoid ashiness and get the lightest lift they can. Do you know what you're doin?? It can be pretty tricky. If you aren't experienced then I would say go to a salon. If you're gonna do it yourself then just go to a beauty supply store, like Sally's, and pick up a packette of bleach, or a bleach kit. All you really need to consider is whether it's going to be on or off scalp application, which depends on what method you're using to do the streaks. I've used Quick Blue, Wellite Cream Lightener, and also the Beyond the Zone bleach kit. All of them are pretty good.

if you want to use bleach go to a professional.

as for if your hair is natural (as in no previous dyes) a regular dye should be able to lift it on its own. But again if you are insistant on going to bleach out i really think that you should have it done profesionally

also kaylin it would be off scalp if it is streakes... either baliage or foils im assuming (most likely closer to a baliage technique if you are going to do it on your own hair)

in which case i would strongly sugest going to a salon. this would require mixing multiple volumes to make up for the varying processing times so that all the hair reaches the same level at the same time. and using cotton and saran wrap to prevent bleading

I know how to do it, I just wanted to know the bleach that most people would most recommend that does the job and doesn't cost a lot. But since it doesn't matter. Than I will just buy what I think will be good. Thanks

go to a pro,don't even think about doing it yourself.

i got lucky,my mom is a hairdresser and showed me how to bleach it the right way.i've never ever ever tried bleaching my hair,i want to but i don't its way too dangerous. but even a pro can get things a little off,like when my mom bleached my hair 2 years ago so i could have purple chunks with a black hair turned orange,so i had to have super bright red dye in there for 2 months until my hair was healthy again....still,it turned orange,then i just waited a week and asked my mom to bleach it again,it was an ugly pale yellow but whatever works to get "my little pony" purple in your hair,i actually miss my super bright red hair,it was like a flame on your head kind of thing.

I would reccomend going to a salon, but if you feel confident enough to do it on your own then anything pretty much.

Make sure you upload pics to show us all the finished result

I recently experiemented with over the counter bleaching products and the one that had the best effect was Jerome Russells B Blonde. It is the strongest bleach I think and whereas other products had lightened my hair a little, the B Blonde can totally bleach it if you like.

Make sure you follow the instructions to the letter and do a strand test first to see how long it takes to get your hair to the color you want. That is very important, you must time the strand test and also afterwards just make sure it hasnt melted your hair or anything. My hair did not seem to be damaged at all by the Jerome B, everyones hair is different though.

One other thing is to make sure it is mixed really well, with no lumps and when applying make sure it is applied evenly where you want it.

If you are in UK it is available in Boots.
