Originally Posted by chococat123 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I actually bought the pallet and returned it. It's pretty mediocre. The blush didn't have much staying power. It wasn't worth the price for me. I might sound bitter..hehe..but at least it's the truth hmm! Good to know! I hope I'll like mine, but we'll see.
Originally Posted by jdepp_84 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I hope so! I never even knew sephora had this!!!! Im def going to go either today or tmorrow (depending on when I get my check!) and see what the diff is. Let me know when you get yours. I so want to try it. I'll definately let you know what I think of it when it comes. If you have a chance to try the Sephora one, let me know what you think, cause I'll probably get that one if I don't like 10. I don't have a Sephora near me so I have to just order it and hope I like it instead of being able to go in and try it first. Sucks!