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Originally Posted by allisong 

 I totally agree..we had no business there.Hussein wasn't an immediate threat to us..I still think this was all an agenda on Bush's part..What the hell happend to Osama??Wasn't he the one who was behind 9/11??Yet instead of focusing out efforts on finding that bastard,what did he do..Sent innocent people to the slaughter.The video makes me sick to my stomache..Bush needs to pull our troops out now.July isn't soon enough 


 Troups will not be pulled out by then. In fact, we will have troups there a LOOONG time if not forever. Mark my words. Hell, we still have troups in GERMANY LOL. Anyhow, Iraq will be full of American bases, im sure of it. I do agree that we had to do something about Saddam, but I think the calculations where a bit off.
