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Mar 13, 2006
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So I'm just totally fed up with my hair and don't have the money to go and get a professional cut right now. Any quick tips?

Hmmm... good luck! LOL No seriously, I guess it depends on your hair. I have long hair, and it's basically unstyled. I've cut it myself before, and it was really easy...all I did was cut a straight line to trim the ends... Make sure it's wet first, obviously... Ok, sorry, I'm NO HELP!!

i could never cut my own hair! i'm too chicken.

what is it exactly you're fed up with?

LOL, I have trimmed my hair at home, but I'd never cut more than an inch or so off, don't have that 360 degree perspective a stylist dones.

Be sure to use a mirror on the back, cut very slowly, and, if you're cut's layered, just follow the lines. But be careful and good luck.

Well I chickened out, lol... but I will tomorrow maybe. I'm just fed up with it, like it looked good when I got it cut a couple of months ago, but now it's grown out and looks all frumpy and just blaah.

i wouldn't reccommend it. I tried it once and my stylist nearly died with how bad of a job I did.

then i wouldn't do it, unless it was a very simple thing to do, like trim one little section you noticed it too long or something, but it's not, so i wouldn't.

I've done it twice before, the first time my Friend had to only fix up a small bit I missed but apart from that it was a good job!

The second time I cut off way more than I originally wanted too and had heaps of uneven strands etc.

I can't wait to get to the hairdresser and get a proper cut and style!

I wouldn't recommend doing it. You can get a trim and even a style cut for pretty cheap these days, just don't head to your usual stylist / upmarket salon if you haven't got the money -- but definatley leave haircuts to the pros.

I don't recommend doing it at all! I had a friend do it once, and ended up at the salon anyway. Could you possibly go to a place like Super Cuts, Fantastic Sams, or the Hair Cuttery for haircut? Generally it's not more than $20... Just wash your hair before you go so it's one less thing they'll have to do and charge you for!

My sister cuts her own hair these days. It always looks amazing, except for the back...

She does little pixie cuts on herself, with custom angling in the front (she likes weirder styles). I don't think it would work for just anyone, because she has pretty great hair (though she doesn't agree). It pretty much does what she fly-aways or frizzyness, so the imperfections of her home haircut don't readily present themselves.

I just did a home-trim, because

a) it's too expensive to get a cut, even if it's at a $12 place

B) the stylist ALWAYS cuts off way more than I ask him/her to

c) my hair's long enough that I can just trim the ends, even in the back, by pulling them up in front of my face.

If your hair is short, like my sis's, I'd go for it...but be prepared to go to the stylist for a repair job!!! It's sort of worth the risk, right?

my hair is really long and i was thinkin bout the same thing, but then again, i dont think i would, but i know cuting it straight will be real hard, maybe a wild layer would be easier, cause then if u messed up, will some gel and a lil styling, no one would even know...hehe

