Originally Posted by
DiorAddict Katie, does it really fade the acne marks, I mean do you see any change bc I have used Olay and Avon and even if I love the results and rave about them, I want to try something stronger, I think my skin can take it no pb! Let me know... Hey, Delphine!
I love your name, by the way. Yes, I have. I'm talking about diminishing redness, though, not actual scarring. Not that you have scarring. I have no idea.
I know that others have seen less than desirable results, though, so you may want to purchase it from somewhere that accepts returns.
And this is where I begin to go somewhat
I don't know what's up w/ Differin Gel & Cream. They both seem to prolong redness (for certain individuals). My husband uses the cream on his nose, only, to clear up and prevent blackheads. I'll continue to use my Differin Gel, regardless, because the benefits (i.e., completely diminishing the appearance of pores and the beginnings of fine lines, clearing up blackheads, anti-aging effects, etc., etc.) outweigh its downfalls. I love how soft my face feels.
FYI: I'm on the fair side and my husband has a lovely olive complexion.