Anyone using Retin-A Micro for Wrinkles? forums

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Jun 10, 2005
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Just curious to hear about your experience, based on anything else you have tried.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback!


I have a script, I just have to get it filled. My Derm says it does work, but consistency is important.

I use regular Retin-A. My original (and still current) reason for using it is adult acne. However, I've had several people ask me what I use on my skin because I have NO wrinkles (I'm 50). Now I know some of that is genetics. My mother is 81 and looks about 65, but some of it is also the Retin-A. It has helped me tremendously.

Originally Posted by vtmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif I use regular Retin-A. My original (and still current) reason for using it is adult acne. However, I've had several people ask me what I use on my skin because I have NO wrinkles (I'm 50). Now I know some of that is genetics. My mother is 81 and looks about 65, but some of it is also the Retin-A. It has helped me tremendously. Yeah! Good to know! Looking forward to hearing some more replies, too! I can't imagine that there are not more women using this, since it seems to be the only "proven" topical products that is backed up with scientific evidence and in journals.
I'm currently using Retin-A for acne however I did have deep forehead wrinkles from years of lifeguarding and laying out that really bothered me and I have definitely definitely seen an improvement in my forehead! Retin-A is expensive though, I know I paid about $100 for a bottle but it truly saved my forehead. I definitely recommend it.
