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Apr 23, 2007
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the pics kinda small, but i really love the hair.. tips on doing it?

Can't see the top of her head, so I dont know what the bangs are like, but as for the rest of it if your hair is long enough it shouldn't be too hard to pull off. You can do this a number of ways, and what works for me may not work for you. But I hate bothering with curling irons and other heat-stylers other than the flat iron. My hair is pretty long, and I rock this look every now and then. The way I do it is I just wash my hair at night, and when it's about halfway dry I spritz it with a little texture spray and put it in a few loose braids or in a twist/bun. Then in the morning I spritz it again and scruch it. Sometimes I'll twirl a few pieces around a curling iron for a little extra. It looks exactly like the picture when I'm done.

ooh thanks that soounds awesome! the only probelm i have with that is my hair is thick so it tends to frizz if i do that :/

but i'm going to try the loose braids technique.. do you do it all around the head or at certain parts?

Originally Posted by diana3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif ooh thanks that soounds awesome! the only probelm i have with that is my hair is thick so it tends to frizz if i do that :/
but i'm going to try the loose braids technique.. do you do it all around the head or at certain parts?

Lately I've just been doing the bun technique. I just kind of take my towel dried hair and put some mousse in it and scrunch it real good, then litterally wad it up in a ball and tie it down at the back of my head (between the nape of my neck and the top of my head) Then after it dries it looks great.
But if I do the braid technique, two pigtails ussually work best for me. But everyone's hair is different, you'd have to try different things to see what works best for you. You may just need one braid or a bunch of tiny braids. Different sizes create different looks.

Also you could try a waver iron, like this


I really love the style that these give, it's not exactly the same as the picture as the waves are a little more defined, but I love the way my hair looks when I use one.
