Alpha Hydrox souffle questions forums

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Jan 25, 2006
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How do you apply the stuff? Do you use it at night or can i wear it in the day too? Or should i use their AHA moisturizer in the day and the souffle at night? How effective is it?

Well, it's a high glycolic percentage and the ph is correct for the aha's to be effective so that means you will get results- I am using up my last bottle of the 10% Alpha Hydrox oil free gel, I've been using it for several years and have had awesome results....I can't wait to try the new souflle.

I would say to start out using it at night, you may get some stinging, or maybe you won't...if your skin reacts ok, you can use it in the am too but be sure to wear sunscreen on top, which I think the daytime moisturizer has. Good luck, you will love it! It's the most effective over the counter aha out there and believe me. I've done my research!

I started off with every other night and went to every night because I had no sensitivity. Once my skin got looking good I now use it three times per week as maintenance. Everybody is different so experiment and see what works for you. You could wear it during the day too but I see no need for both (24 hr. coverage) would be over kill IMHO. If you use any other products you should wait about 20 minutes before applying them. Also, if you wait till your face is good and dry after washing to apply you will have less stinging. It's an excellent product. You can use a moisturizer on top if you are getting dry from it. Good luck, you'll be happy with it.

I love it and mainly use it at night. Rarely during the day but with sunscreen. I was surprised how it did not irritate my skin. I also like th 10% enhancing lotion but the souffle is better IMO.


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