Acne and the Role of Diet forums

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Apr 23, 2006
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Acne and the Role of Diet

The typical teen-ager eats junk food, stays up late and hates to get up early in the morning. These parental headaches seem to be developmentally programmed rites of passage. But for as many as 85 percent of adolescents, the most bothersome hallmark of being a teen-ager is acne. With blemishes come earnest recommendations to avoid oily foods, chocolate and other staples of a teenager’s diet. Is there any connection between eating certain foods and developing acne, or does this represent another medical myth?

Given the proportion of affected teens, the answer has powerful implications. But, as with most things, there's no easy one-to-one causal relationship. In fact, current understanding of acne suggests that food has no role in triggering the condition in the first place or in making acne worse once present. Nevertheless, we all have heard time and time again that if kids simply avoided fast food joints their skin problems would be over.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is thought to develop in teens because of a combination of normal skin functions and hormonal changes during adolescence that affect the skin. In most parts of the body, hair follicles develop along with sebaceous glands (which produce sebum, a fat-rich coating that protects and lubricates the hair follicles). Perhaps because of hormonal changes, teenagers have increased sebum, as well as increased thickness and decreased shedding of the uppermost layer of skin near the hair follicles. These factors lead to plugging of the pore. Bacteria that are commonly present and usually cause no problems now grow in large numbers behind the blockage, leading to inflammation and acne.

Why some people have significant problems with acne and others do not is not known. One theory suggests that the primary problem is hypersensitivity of the sebaceous glands to androgens (hormones related to testosterone that are produced by the adrenal gland in both men and women). Oily cosmetics, scrubbing, high humidity and heavy perspiration may all worsen acne. A variety of treatments are available, including topical or oral retinoids (derivatives of vitamin A), benzoyl peroxide or topical or oral antibiotics.

Why This Myth Continues

Why does this misunderstanding about the effects of diet on acne persist? The idea that a problem is within our control (for example, related to diet) rather than outside our control (as might be the case for an inherited illness) and that a natural remedy might be the cure is certainly appealing and may influence the approach many people take to treat the problem, even in the absence of evidence to support that approach.

Another reason such myths persist is a confusion between “association†and “cause†– just because teen-agers tend to eat junk food and tend to develop acne, it does not mean that one causes the other. Yet we frequently make faulty assumptions about causation because the association seems so strong or logical.

In addition, there is an intuitive logic to the notion that eating oily foods leads to oily skin and acne. And reducing one’s junk food intake to control acne offers many additional health benefits – for many parents, even a poor excuse to reduce their kids’ junk food intake is better than none at all! Although there are many reasons to encourage a balanced, healthy diet, avoiding and improving acne are not among them.

As is the case for many assumptions we make about health, what seems to be logical and intuitive does not always turn out to be true. Discarding such medical myths may take centuries – bad news for teen-agers harangued about their diets. But fortunately, nondietary treatment of acne is often effective – evaluation by a physician, sometimes including evaluation by a dermatologist, is the best way to make a choice among the options for treating significant acne, especially if over-the-counter treatments are not effective.

Parents and kids need facts, not myths, to make the best choices. And parents will just have to find other ways to promote healthier diets for their teen-agers.

Great article -- and with people knowing at least some of the facts, it is amazing how they will still badger teens about their diet and how something they are eating is causing their issue.

Thanks for posting Kelly! You're just full of useful information lately! LOL!

great article !

my endocrinologist told me i was eating too much fat and sweet, which was leading to an increased production of hormones, leading to acne (well, her explanation was a bit too complicated for my tired mind that day, but that's what i understood). all i can say is cutting out all that junk food from my diet has certainly did me good, but it's a general benefit.

I somehow do not agree with the info

cos i noticed that some food do aggreveate acne and make it worse

i have also seem to notice that whenever i consume m & m with peanut my acne problem starts to occur however when i eat other chocolates with almond pecan, or macadamia there does not seem to be much of a problem..

so i am sure that peanut is a no no for me.

From my own personal experience I am convinced that what you eat can affect your skin, and your health in general, ofcourse. Certain foods (foods high in saturated fats and trans fats, like junk food and fast food) can wreck havoc with your hormones and break u out. Ofcourse I do still eat junk food and fast food, but only a few times a month, my skin stays clear that way. When I start bingeing on junk for a few days straight (I get into one those moods), my skin really hates it, and I'll start feeling bumps on my face.

I started supplementing on Fish oil and Zinc a couple months ago and it has greatly helped reduce the occurence of breakouts and oiliness as well.

So I really believe that a person's diet do have an effect on their skin condition (drinking the minimum 6-8 glasses of water a day is also a must). There may be a few lucky ones out there whose hormones don't go nuts even with eating junk daily (my cousin is like that, she's never had a breakout, not once), but I am definately not one of those.

Okay. I know it's not supposed to, but what I eat DOES affect my skin. I know for a fact, because I've tried eating chocolate so many times, telling myself diet has nothing to do with acne, but I break out every single time. I have no explanation, that's just what happens. My mom can't eat chocolate either, and she also can't drink tea/coffee or too much orange juice because both vitamin C and caffeine make her break out.

I know it doesn't work that way! does!

This topic has confused me for years. I've always thought that what I eat could make me break out, but I haven't been able to pinpoint a certain food. I find that eating healthy makes you feel better, but has not really helped my acne. As a teenager, I ran every day, and was a total healthnut. I was really really healthy, and yet, I had awful acne. This confuses me to this day, because obviously as we age, our acne decreases (usually) and I am not even close to as healthy as I was as a teen. One day I hope to find an exact cause for acne, because does anyone really know what causes it? It is so confusing!

Hormones. I think most dermatologists are pretty sure of that. It can't be dirty skin, as my doctor put it: "little kids roll around in the dirt all day, and don't get a single pimple." And plus, I've noticed when I'm really emotional/hormonal, I tend to break out.
