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Mar 9, 2006
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hey everyone...i have some worries.. I am trying to get into makeup artistry (i only have experience on myself and friends). So not exactly knowing where to start, I decided to email ALOT of makeup artists in in my area volunteering to assist. I let them know that Im trying to gain more knowlege and experience. Well, I got like 5 emails so far.

One of them asked me to assist at a local theater tonight and tomorrow, another told me to call her on friday and we will set up some dates, and another asked me to help her on May 13 since her assistant will not be able to. The thing is, im EXTREMELY excited and happy because it feels like things are faling slowly in place..but im also REALLY nervous because i know nothing about the profession really.

What would you guys do? ordering a couple books tomorrow and a few other things. I can do makeup really good on myself and friends, but there are probobly so many techniques and tricks that I dont know.. Just wanted to share my situation.. :wacko:


you've got to start somewhere, right? i think it's natural to be nervous, but you know your way around makeup and brushes and you are there to learn. be open and available to everything! the universe doesn't make mistakes! it's your time to shine and you should take full advantage! good luck!!:clap :clap :clap

Oh how fun.....that sounds perfect! That is exactly what I would have done if/when going into that profession. Janelle (one of our Mods) said in another post....just remember "makeup=FUN" go have fun and learn learn learn.

Good luck and I'm excited for you.

thanks for your support!..I guess I sort of feel like I'm just jumping in to this not knowing everything I need to know..but thats what this is all about at first, learning more, and practicing like crazy.

Its really exciting and stressful at the same time. I actually have gotten 2 more replies since I last posted. One said she works for NBC and does weddings on the weekend so if I ever want to go watch her and learn more about the profession then I can:icon_smil . And the other email I cant open at home because my computer sucks :laughno: but I cant wait to get to work first thing tomorrow so I can read what it says.

Anyway, thank you both for replying. you made me feel a little more at ease. I tend to be the kind of person who worries about everything :satisfied: even tho theres usually nothing to worry about.



Being nervous is really natural! I screwed up sooo many faces on my first day of work. I wish I had a little makeup lesson before I started, but I didn't. I threw myself into the job without any previous knowledge of doing makeup on another person.

I started at Benefit Cosmetics (yeah, I am still there 4 years later) but it's a great place to start out. Either that or Biotherm or a smaller cosmetic line at Macy's or Nordstroms. I would lean more towards Nordstroms only because I worked at Macy's for a few years and they are .. how do I say this.. ASSHOLES. Good luck girl.. let us know how it all goes.

How did you find a listing of makeup artist in your area? That is a good idea, however my location might be more of a challenge. Can anyone make some suggestions?

Oh I'm so happy for you:yay: It's natural to be nervous, it comes with the territory. And you are doing the right thing. You are there to learn. So have fun and become a sponge (absorb everything). Cindy:)

I'd be worried about you if you weren't nervous, but what awesome opportunities to do something you love and 3 of them already. That's great!!!!!!!! Just go in there and do your thing and you will be fantastic.

What a wonderful opportunity! I think you will gain alot of knowledge assisting these MUA's. I would also consider hiring a private makeup artist so you have some one on one time to learn other things that won't be covered being an assistant.

For example: (Depending on what type of work you want to do)

1. Knowing how to correct and conceal skin

2. Matching skin tones to foundations for all types of skins

3. Mixing colors

4. Correctly applying strips of false eyelashes and individual lashes

5. Creating a smokey eye

6. Creating a natural beauty look (which I'm sure you will pick up on assisting)

7. Doing a "Dewy" look

8. Doing a "Color Wash" look

9. Airbrushing

10. Special FX

These are just some areas you might want to cover to get you to Pro level.

I hope this helps, and good luck!! - I'm sure you will do fine. :thumbsup2:

Since I'm not in the profession, my best advice is to be perfectly honest with your projects. I'm sure you've already accurately depicted your skills and experience. Just be sure to reiterate that, as well as your willingness to learn and you should be fine!

Best of luck and enjoy yourself! Don't be too self-critical!


Congrats on getting such great opportunities! You have already shown great initiative which is what I look for when taking on assistants.

The best bit of advice I can give you is that if the Key artist looks busier than you you arent doing your job! Everything they cant do, you need to. That way, the Key can get on with the most important job, the makeup!

XXX-SPAM-XXX (not promoting of site in posts)

Lucy x

The biggest advice that I can give you is to ask each makeup artist what is expected of you BEFORE you go. Many makeup artists don't even want you to do makeup on anyone at all. Some just want you to be the "go for" girl...and to clean brushes, to clean their area, to pack and unpack their kit for the project. They also usually don't allow you to pass out your business card or any info because it is THEIR client, so you are not there to take clients from them but instead to make sure the head makeup artist looks great. So make sure you understand HOW she wants you to assist, and it can save you a big headache.

I refered a student to a celebrity makeup artist, and she loved her. The second time she assisted her, the celebrity makeup artist (who is also a friend of mine) called me and was very unhappy with the assisting job because she socialized when everyone else socialized and didn't pack and unpack the key makeup artist's kit. And she didn't get her water or clean her brushes when she should. So the key celebrity makeup artist felt like she had to stop and do everything on her own. So ask..... :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />



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